Dr. Rob Freeland joined the Sociology faculty in 2022. His research and teaching interests span social stratification, social psychology, and quantitative methods. He received a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona and an MA in Sociology from UNC
Charlotte, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from Duke University. He enjoys teaching courses on theory and inequality, such as Classical Sociological Theory and Wealth, Power, & Privilege, and applied for courses like Research Methods, Applied Sociology, & Senior Capstone. His favorite course is Sociological Perspective because it allows him to bring sociology to new audiences.
His research centers on exploring how subjective aspects of society like status, identity, and cultural meanings affect inequality by gender, race, and class. His work has been published in the American Sociological Review, Social Psychology Quarterly, and American Behavioral Scientist. In a recent study, he developed a new approach to measuring how gendered sentiments affect the wage gap. In another study, he explored how perceptions of occupational identities changed during Covid. Currently, he is working on a collaborative project to compile a data dictionary of occupational cultural sentiments.
Office: 203D, Chapell Wilson Hall
Email: freelandre@appstate.edu
Welcome to Sociology, Dr. Freeland!