Dr. Cameron Lippard's research on the color-blind rhetoric used by special interest groups to fight against affirmative action was cited and discussed in the American Sociological Association's quarterly magazine, Contexts. Along with Lippard, co-authors Drs. J. Scott Carter and Andrew Briard analyzed over 100 U.S. Supreme Court amicus briefs submitted in favor and opposition to the Supreme Court case of Fisher v. The University of Texas - Austin (2016). While the Supreme Court upheld that affirmative action college admissions policies did not discriminate against Fisher, Lippard et al. found that many of those fighting to end affirmative action this latest challenge had succeeded in convincing the Supreme Court Justices that race and ethnicity should not be used to discuss inequality in higher education.
To read more about this research, check out the article that not only highlights Lippard et al.'s research but several fascinating sociology research articles. Lippard and his co-author also have a book in production with Bristol University Press titled Death of Affirmative Action?, that examines this topic further across five decades of Americans fighting for and against affirmative action in higher education. The expected release of this book will be in early Spring of 2020.