Say hello to Faith Morey! In December of 2015, Faith graduate with her degree in sociology with a concentration in families and intimate relationships. Faith was a great student but more important, she didn't just stop with going to class but she got involved. During her last year at App State, Faith volunteered and interned with a midwife in the High Country, which is an occupation that specializes in helping women through their pregancies and births. Faith had a great experience assisting with the birthing process, she became a doula, and it made her even more passionate about becoming a midwife in the near future.
After graduation and degree in hand, Faith landed a competitive and life-changing internship working with a non-profit as an Public Health intern in Liberia, Africa. Check out what she has to say about this experience and how sociology matters to her.
At this very moment, the sound of waves crashing against the shore fills my room. This morning, as I walked to work, chickens clucked at me, and children carrying jugs of water on their heads laughed and waved. I am working for Samaritan’s Purse as a Public Health intern in Liberia, Africa. The Health Team and I are working in multiple communities to assist with prevalent issues such as violence against women and girls, HIV/AIDS, stigma and care for Ebola survivors, and nutrition education.
While my concentration within the field of sociology was not public health, many of the topics I studied in families and intimate relationships tie into the health sector. Gender-based violence, stigma, and stereotypes often dictate how a community will respond to a disease or illness. My passion to be involved in birth work, along with my own research and experiences, prepared me for the lack of care that many women in Liberia face. Little access to good healthcare and lack of education are some of the reasons the maternal and child mortality rates are so high here.
My hope is to continue working in public health while getting more involved in maternal and child health. Someday I would like to be a midwife, delivering babies on the field in dusty little villages with my only fee being fresh bananas and life stories. My advice to anyone who enjoys sociology and wants to continue in the field is this: never stop dreaming, always ask questions, and get to know those around you. The more ambitious your dreams, the farther you are willing to push yourself to get there. There will never be a question too silly to ask; I ask questions all the time, about everything. At the end of a hard day you want to be able to relate to those you work with; sharing in those tough times and rejoicing in the good times. The world is full of opportunity and adventure!
If Faith's experience and wisdom inspires you, then consider becoming an App State sociology major! For more information, please contact Dr. Cameron Lippard, Director of Undergraduate Studies (