Sociology Welcomes Dr. Juhee Woo as one of our New Assistant Professors

The Department of Sociology welcomes Dr. Juhee Woo to Appalachian State University as one of our new assistant professors. Dr. Woo is originally from Daegu, South Korea, and attended her first two years of college there. In her 3rd year, Dr. Woo transferred to Minnesota State University - Mankato, where she received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Recently, Dr. Woo defended her mixed-methods dissertation titled, “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Cigarette Smoking: Examining the African American Smoking Paradox” and completed her Ph.D. at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Dr. Woo’s research interests broadly include social inequalities, health disparities, intersectionality, mixed-methods, social psychology, and aging and the life course. Dr. Woo’s recent research projects have focused on smoking behaviors of women both in South Korea and the United States and its implication on social policies. Dr. Woo has taught Research Methods, Deviance, and U.S. Race/Ethnic Relations among others and she will be teaching Sociological Perspectives and Research Methods in the fall.

Dr. Woo was selected because of her expertise in examining health disparities and research methods. She is also a passionate and dedicated instructor who will be teaching one of our introductory courses in the General Education curriculum, and research methods for our sociology majors. Welcome to Appalachian, Dr. Woo!

Dr. Juhee Woo
Published: Jul 8, 2020 10:24am
