Overview of the Study
"Greater Expectations" is a scholarly study about contemporary heterosexual couples who are co-parenting young children (i.e., prior to kindergarten). By interviewing both men and women in the same families and relationships, we learn about men's and women's hopes and frustrations--for their careers, for their partnerships, and for their children--and how couples arrive at and feel about their specific balances between paid work and childrearing work.
If you'd like to participate...
- Email parentingstudy@appstate.edu to set up an interview date and time.
- Interviews take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
- We typically ask families (Mom, Dad and children) to arrive at the Children's Playhouse in Boone (400 Tracy Circle) around 5pm on a weekday evening that works best for your family. We schedule the date several weeks in advance.
- Once you arrive, your child will play (for free) with a Playhouse staff member while we talk about your parenting experiences.
ASU Parenting Study Research Team
- Beth Latshaw, PhD (Sociology)
- Martha McCaughey, PhD (Sociology)
- Neva Specht, PhD (History)
- Stephanie Hale (Graduate Research Assistant, I-O HRM)
This study has been approved by the Human Subjects: Institutional Review Board at Appalachian State University (IRB Study #09-0166).