Department of Sociology

Dr. Amy Dellinger Page joined the faculty of Appalachian State in 2004. During her tenure, she has served as Undergraduate Programs Director, Internship Supervisor, and Department Chair, and is currently the Undergraduate Programs Director. She was a member of the inaugural Interpersonal Violence Task Force and later served as a member and co-chair of the Interpersonal Violence Council. Her research interests involve attitudes about women and rape, pornography and its role in promoting rape culture, prevention programming related to interpersonal violence, sex offender policy, and toxic masculinity and its relationship to violence. For the past four years, she has expanded her research interests by studying end-of-life doulas (EOLDs). She is currently planning her next research study that will assess the experiences of dying persons and their caregivers’ experiences with utilizing EOLDs.

In March 2020, she became Executive Director of Appalachian Senior Programs, which houses two federally-funded AmeriCorps Seniors programs that assist children and the local senior population: the Foster Grandparent and the Senior Companion programs. These programs aim to enhance the social-emotional and academic skills of children who need one-on-one assistance and provide companionship and assistance for older adults who do not qualify for other assistance in the local area. Appalachian Senior Programs serves five rural counties in the mountains of western North Carolina.

Dr. Page works with OASIS, the local domestic violence and sexual assault crisis center, on sexual assault prevention programming with alcohol-serving establishments and faith-based communities, as well as with the Office of Access and Equity at Appalachian State on Title IX and sex-based misconduct cases. She serves as Vice Chair of the Board of the Women’s Fund of the Blue Ridge and serves on the Grants Committee for the organization as well.

She is a recipient of the College of Arts and Sciences Jimmy Smith Outstanding Service Award (2013), the W.H. Plemmons Leadership Medallion (2015-2016), and the College of Arts and Sciences Excellence in Engagement Award (2021).

Courses Taught

  • SOC 1000: The Sociological Perspective 
  • SOC 1100: Social Problems in American Society
  • SOC 2001: Sociological Pathways
  • SOC 2020: Social Deviance
  • SOC 3370: Sexual Violence
  • SOC 4250: Constructing Bodies and Sexualities

Research Interests

  • Interpersonal Violence
  • End-of-Life Doulas
  • Sexual Violence Policy
  • Pornography

Recent Publications

Schwartz, Tatum A. and Amy Dellinger Page. 2023. “The Body in Space: Trauma-Informed Frameworks for Dance in Non-Clinical Settings.” Journal of Dance Education.

Page, Amy Dellinger and Jonelle H. Husain. 2023. “End-of-Life Doulas: Documenting their Backgrounds and Services.” Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 88(2), 505-524. Published online 2021.

Page, Amy Dellinger, Jonelle H. Husain, and Ashely M. Kvanvig. 2022. “Dying a ‘Good’ Death: The Work, Care, and Support of End-of-Life Doulas.” Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. (

Media Appearances

Invited Featured Guest with Jonelle Husain for AppTV’s Religion in Life.  Season 13, Episode 7. April 29, 2021.

Invited Featured Guest with Jonelle Husain for AppTV’s Religion in Life. Season 13, Episode 6.  April 9, 2021.

Invited Featured Panelist for National Public Radio’s 1A.  “Boys to Men: Masculinity and the Next Mass Shooting”.  February 28, 2018.

Title: Professor , Undergraduate Programs Director
Department: Department of Sociology

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2201

Office address
228C Chapell Wilson Hall


Dr. Pavel Osinsky joined the faculty of the Appalachian State University in 2008 and serves currently as Professor of the Department of Sociology. Dr. Osinsky specializes in social theory, sociology of globalization, political sociology, and comparative-historical sociology. He is a coauthor of War: Contemporary Perspectives on Military Conflicts Around the World (2018, with Cameron Lippard and Lon Strauss) and an author of articles in The Annual Review of Sociology, Political Power and Social Theory, Sociological Perspectives, Sociological Forum, Sociological Inquiry, Work & Occupations, and other journals. Currently, Dr. Osinsky is working on a monograph-length manuscript “The Pathways to Empire: Spain, Russia, and the Ottomans,” which explores the origins of the large territorial empires in the context of the frontier interactions between the settled agricultural civilizations and the militarized nomadic polities. Pavel Osinsky regularly teaches courses in Sociological Theory, Global Sociology, and Sociology of War. 

Areas of Expertise and Interest

  •  Social Theory
  • Globalization
  • Comparative-Historical Sociology


Ph.D., 2007, Sociology, Northwestern University
M.A., 1999, Sociology, University of Iowa
B.A., 1985, Philosophy, Moscow State University

Courses taught

  • The Sociological Perspective (SOC 1000)
  • Classical Sociological Theory (SOC 3950)
  • Contemporary Sociological Theory (SOC 3960)
  • Sociology of War (SOC 3800)
  • Political Sociology (SOC 4600)
  • Global Sociology (SOC 4850)

Recent Publications

Osinsky, Pavel. 2021. “Charisma, the Order of Succession, and Legitimacy of Authority in Nomadic Empires of Eurasia” // Zhytomyr Ivan Franco State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences 2 (90): 75-86

Osinsky, Pavel. 2020. “The Rise and Fall of the Nomad-Dominated Empires of Eurasia”  Sociological Inquiry 20 (10): 1-25.

Osinsky, Pavel. 2019. “The Nomadic Empires as State Formations.” Eurasia and the World 1: 42-57

Cameron Lippard, Pavel Osinsky and Lon Strauss. 2018. Contemporary Perspectives on Armed Conflicts around the World. New York: Routledge

Pavel Osinsky. 2017. "Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Values in Poland, Ukraine, and Russia".  Vestnik BGU (5): 91-102.

Pavel Osinsky and Jari Eloranta. 2016. "Historicizing Divergence: A Comparative Analysis of the Revolutionary Crises in Russia and Finland." In Economic History of Warfare and State Formation, edited by Jari Eloranta, Eric Golson, Andrei Markevich, and Nikolaus Wolf. London: Springer.







Title: Professor
Department: Department of Sociology

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-7732

Office address
229C Chapell Wilson Hall


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Dr. Kelly Thames is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. She earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from North Carolina State University and holds an M.S. in Sociology and a B.A. in Criminology from North Carolina State University. Guided by her passion for criminological theory construction and theory testing and her commitment to issues of social justice, her current research primarily explores the effects of global neoliberalization on cross-national rates of violent crime.  More specifically, Dr. Thames is interested in investigating the relationship between neoliberal shifts in social welfare policy and rates of criminal behavior in a variety of political contexts, including western democratic and post-communist countries.  Dr. Thames is also interested in the relationship between crime and public perceptions of social justice in the wake of welfare retrenchment.  


 Courses Taught

  • Criminology
  • Social Deviance
  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Corrections
  • Communities and Crime
  • Punishment and Social Control
  • Propaganda, Media, and Society
  • The Sociological Perspective
  • Sociology of Law
  • Crime, Law and Deviance in the European Union

Research Interests

  • Criminological Theory
  • Cross-National Crime
  • Mass Violence
  • Social Control 
  • Theory Construction
  • Inequality (Race, Class, and Gender)
  • Sociological Theory
  • Quantitative Research Methods (Big Data Analysis, Decomposition/”Hybrid” Panel Analysis, Hierarchical Linear Modeling)

Recent Publications

Russell, David, Kelly M. Thames, Naomi J. Spence, and Callie Koeval. 2020. “Where the Fault Lies: Representations of Addiction in Audience Reactions to Media Coverage of the Opioid Epidemic.” Contemporary Drug Problems. 47:83-102. DOI: 10.1177/0091450920929102

Russell, David, Naomi J. Spence, and Kelly M. Thames. 2019. “’It's So Scary How Common This is Now:’ Frames in Media Coverage of the Opioid Epidemic by Ohio Newspapers and Themes in Facebook User Reactions.” Information, Communication,
and Society. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2019.1566393.

Perdue, Robert Todd, James Hawdon, and Kelly M. Thames. 2018. “Can Big Data Predict the Rise of Novel Drug Abuse?” The Journal of Drug Issues. DOI: 10.1177/0022042618772294.

Thames, Kelly M. and Patricia L. McCall. 2014. “A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Social Support on Homicide Across European Regions.” International Journal of Conflict and Violence 8:234-261.

Ray, Bradley, Cindy B. Dollar, and Kelly M. Thames. 2011. “Observations of Reintegrative Shaming in a Mental Health Court.International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 34:49-55.  

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Sociology

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-6387

Office address
202B Chapell Wilson Hall


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