Dr. Cameron D. Lippard joined the faculty of Appalachian State University in 2007 and currently serves as the Chair of the Department of Sociology. He received his Master’s and PhD from Georgia State University, and his BA in Psychology and Sociology from Appalachian State University. His teaching interests focus on race and racism, immigration, war, inequalities, and research methods. His research interests are wide. Lippard has critically examined the treatment of Latino immigrants moving to the American South. He has also studied affirmative action in college admissions, the effects of military participation on veterans, and the socio-cultural significance of craft beer, moonshine, and the Confederate battle flag. He has published eight books or edited volumes and his most recent will be released by the University of Washington Press titled, Protecting Whiteness: Whitelash and the Rejection of Racial Equality. At present, he serves as the co-editor of the North Carolina Sociological Association’s online research journal, Sociation, the international research journal, Sociological Inquiry, and Humanity and Society. He also serves on several college, university, and professional committees devoted to inclusive excellence, assessment and planning in higher education, as well as the incoming Vice President for the Southern Sociological Society and Vice President of Membership for the Association of Humanist Sociology.
Courses Taught
- SOC 1000: The Sociological Perspective
- SOC 1100: Social Problems in American Society
- SOC 2850: Constructions of Gender
- SOC 3335: Sociology of Immigration
- SOC 3800: Sociology of War
- SOC 3885: Research Methods
- SOC 3895: Social Statistics and Data Analysis
- SOC 4450: Senior Capstone
- SOC 4560: Race and Ethnic Relations
- SOC 4750: Wealth, Power, and Privilege
- Summer Study Abroad Opportunities
Research Interests
- Latino Incorporation into the American South
- Nativism and Racism in Post-Race America
- White Resistance to Diversity and Inclusion
- Sociology of War
- Culture of Sociology Topics (i.e., craft beer, moonshine, & fair trade coffee)
Recent Publications
Lippard, Cameron D. and Catherine B. McNamee. 2021 “Are Refugees Really Welcome?: Understanding Northern Ireland Attitudes towards Syrian Refugees.” Journal of Refugee Studies. https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/feab030
Embrick, David G., J. Scott Carter, Cameron Lippard, and Bhoomi K. Thakore. 2020 “Capitalism, Racism, and Trumpism: Whitelash and the Politics of Oppression.” Fast Capitalism 17(1): 204-224.
Carter, J. Scott, Cameron D. Lippard, and Andrew F. Baird. 2019. "Veiled Threats: Color-Blind Frames and Group Threat in Affirmative Action Discourse." Social Problems .
Lippard, Cameron D. 2017. “Heritage or Hate?: A Pedagogical Guide to the Confederate Flag in Post-Race America.” The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences 10(3).
Lippard, Cameron D. and Elizabeth Thomas. 2017. “Struggling to Make Ends Meet: Identifying Barriers to Economic Self-Sufficiency for Women in Western North Carolina.” Sociation Today, 15(1) (http://www.ncsociology.org/sociationtoday/v151/outline29.html).
Lippard, Cameron D. and Seth Cohen. 2016. "More than Just Beer: The Pedagogy of Fermentation Sciences." Technical Quarterly, 5(3): 169-178.
Lippard, Cameron D. 2016. "Playing the 'Immigrant Card': Reflections of Color-blind Rhetoric within Southern Attitudes on Immigration." Social Currents (DOI: 10.1177/2329496515604640).
Carter, J. Scott and Cameron D. Lippard. 2015. “Group Position, Threat and Immigration: The Role of Interest Groups and Elite Actors in Setting the “Lines of Discussion.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity,1(3): 394-408.
Lippard, Cameron D. and M. Graham Spann. 2014. “Mexican Immigrant Experiences with Discrimination in Southern Appalachia.” Latino Studies, 12 (3): 374-398.
Lyubansky, Mikhail, Paul A. Harris, William E. Baker, and Cameron D. Lippard. 2013. “One Day on the Red Hills of Georgia”: The Effects of Immigration Status on Latino Migrants’ Experience of Discrimination, Utilization of Public Services, and Attitudes toward Acculturation.” Norteamérica, 8: 85-117.
Ghoshal, Raj Andrew, Cameron D. Lippard, Vanesa Ribas, and Kenneth Muir. 2013. "Beyond Bigotry: Teaching about Unconscious Prejudice." Teaching Sociology 41(2): 130-143.
Lippard, Cameron D. and Jammie Price. 2011."Latino Health Care in Southern Appalachia: A Community-Engaged Examination." Journal of Applied Social Science 5(2): 66-87.
Lippard, Cameron. D. and Amy Dellinger Page. 2011. "Driving While Non‐White: Exploring Traffic Stops and Post‐Stop Activities in North Carolina, 2005‐2009." Sociation Today. 9 (2).
Lippard, Cameron D. 2011. "Racist Nativism in the 21st Century." Sociology Compass, 5 (7): 591-606.
Lippard, CameronD., David G. Embrick, and J. Scott Carter. Eds. 2020. Protecting Whiteness: Whitelash and the Rejection of Racial Equality. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Carter, J. Scott and Cameron Lippard. 2020. The Death of Affirmative Action?: Racialized Tactics and the Fight for College Admissions. Bristol, England: Bristol University Press.
Lippard, Cameron and Bruce Stewart. eds. 2019. Modern Moonshine: The Resurrection of White Whiskey in the 21st Century. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press.
Lippard, Cameron D., Pavel Osinsky, and Lon Strauss. 2018. War: Contemporary Perspectives on Armed Conflicts around the World. New York: Routledge.
Chapman, Nathaniel, J. Slade Lellock, and Cameron D. Lippard. eds. 2017. Untapped: Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of Craft Beer. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press.
Gallagher, Charles and Cameron Lippard. eds. 2014. Race and Racism in the United States: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia. 4 Volumes. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press.
Lippard, Cameron D. and Charles A. Gallagher. eds. 2011. Being Brown in Dixie: Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Immigration in the New South. Boulder, CO: First Forum Press.
Lippard, Cameron D. 2008. Building Inequality: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration in the Atlanta Construction Industry. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Publishing.