Careers in Health and Aging
Graduate Program News
Gerontology Resources
The links below can help you find information about aging and the elderly. Some sites are topic-specific, while others (such as the Administration on Aging) are more general and can provide not only specific information but also links to many other useful sites.
As always, use care in evaluating the credibility of websites. We try to provide links only to sites we believe can be trusted to provide accurate and unbiased information. However, some sites do have specific agendas, and we include them because their perspectives are, in our judgment, useful ones.
- Administration on Aging
- Alzheimer's Association
- AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
- American Cancer Society
- American Geriatrics Society
- American Heart Association
- American Society on Aging
- Centers for Disease Control
- Federal and State Nursing Home and Assisted Living Regulations
- Federal Inter-Agency Forum on Aging Related Statistics
- Gerontological Society of America
- Mattress Nerd- Sleep and Alzheimers
- Medicare
- MSW Online
- National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
- National Council on the Aging
- National Institute on Aging
- North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services
- Nursing Homes Abuse
- Social Security Administration
- Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace - Gerontology
- Southern Gerontological Society
- US Bureau of the Census
- UNC Institute on Aging