The Department of Sociology currently serves approximately 165 undergraduate majors across two degree programs, including a Bachelor of Arts and seven Bachelor of Science concentrations - Applied Research Methods; Criminology; Families and Intimate Relationships; Sociology of Health and Aging; Individually Designed (requires departmental approval); Power and Social Change, and Social Inequalities. We also offer minors in sociology and health and aging. Along with our undergraduate offerings, our department is the academic home of one online graduate certificate in sociology, which prepares Master's degree students to teach sociology at community colleges and universities. We have over 3,000 students enrolled in our classes from various majors and programs looking to gain insight into human behavior or complete general education requirements that round out their liberal arts education experience here at App State.
Our goal is simple - to offer our students the best educational experience possible to prepare them for successful careers and advanced studies placement. Our faculty and curriculum facilitate the development of critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills and foster cross-cultural and intercultural understandings applicable to various social contexts.
We also offer opportunities for service-learning, internships, and community-based research to provide real-world application of these skills to prepare students for careers once they graduate.
Whether you are a student, a parent, or someone interested in App State, I hope you will feel free to contact me or any of our faculty members regarding anything related to our department. My e-mail address is below, and you can reach other faculty members by following the Faculty link from this page. Finally, please visit our Facebook page, App State Sociology.
Cameron D. Lippard, Ph.D.
Professor and Department Chair