Prior to completing an internship, students must submit an internship proposal to be reviewed by the Internship Proposal Committee by the deadlines listed below. The Internship Proposal Committee will review each proposal and either accept, request revisions, or reject the proposals for potential internship positions.
General Internship Proposal Guidelines and Requirements
In order to submit an internship proposal, you must first contact the Internship Coordinator, Dr. Joseph Jakubek, to receive the proposal submission form. Before you contact the Coordinator about accessing the submission form, make sure that you have identified an organization with which you wish to complete an internship and have confirmed that they are able to support an intern position. If more information is needed on those first steps, the Preparing for an Internship page offers details on finding a site, confirming that an intern position is available, and starting the proposal process.
Once you have identified an organization and confirmed that a potential intern position can be supported, you are ready to begin an internship proposal. Contact Dr. Joseph Jakubek ( with information regarding the organization that you have been in contact with, general details of the internship position, and how many student credit hours your position will earn, in order to receive the Internship Proposal form.
The Internship Proposal form will request specific details regarding:
- Your Student Status
- Personal information (such as contact information and Banner ID)
- Degree and concentration area
- Anticipated graduation date
- Career plans
- Student Resume
- The Internship Organization
- Official mission or purpose of organization
- Location and contact information for organization
- Location and contact information for onsite supervisor
- Confirmation of position details from onsite supervisor
- Internship Duties, Responsibilities, and Goals
- Daily duties and responsibilities of your internship position
- How the internship position will contribute to your knowledge of sociology and your degree concentration area (sociological goals)
- How the internship position will contribute to your professional development and career plans (professional goals)
- Backup Plan
- Basic information regarding an alternative internship position at a different organization (backup plan in case first choice falls through)
All Internship Proposals must be submitted prior to the deadline in order to be reviewed by the Internship Committee. The deadlines for submitting an internship proposal are:
- March 31st for Internships to be completed during summer sessions
- June 30th for Internships to be completed during a fall semester
- October 31st for Internships to be completed during a spring semester