Description: The Ann Louise Page Scholarship supports and celebrates research excellence by undergraduate students in the Sociology Department. Two (2) awards of $1,000 will be made per academic year. The application cycle will open in the fall, and applications shall be reviewed by the Student Development Committee. The Student Development Committee may run a second application cycle during the spring semester, depending on availability of funds.
Scope: Awards are to be used to support original sociological research by undergraduates and the dissemination thereof. Dissemination may include presentation at an academic conference or publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Awards may be granted in relation to, but not limited to, research and dissemination costs for the following types of projects:
- Honors thesis, senior capstone project, research assistantship, research paper written for a 4000 level sociology course, research-focused internship, and/or a new student research project.
Application Requirements: Students, together with a faculty mentor of their choice, are to submit a single application for consideration. The application must include:
- A recommendation letter from the chosen faculty mentor. This letter should speak to student qualifications, including but not limited to demonstrated excellence in sociological research. The letter should also discuss the merits of the proposed project and detail a plan for how the mentor will work with the student to the project’s completion. Letters of recommendation should be submitted separately from the student’s application materials to ensure confidentiality.
- A one page cover letter, stating how the proposed research experience contributes to the student’s overall career goals, and how the proposed research relates to the student’s degree concentration.
- A 2-3 page research statement describing the proposed final product and dissemination goals. This statement should explain why the project is important (this may include scholarly and/or applied contributions), and it should also outline how scholarship funds will be spent.
- If the student is applying for funds to support the dissemination of research already completed, the application should be accompanied by the paper in question. If the student is applying for funds to support future research, then a proposal of the research to be completed should accompany the application.
- An info page detailing the following information: Full Name (First, Middle, Last); Banner ID; ASU email address; Phone Number; Degree (B.S. or B.A.) and Concentration; Current Cumulative GPA; Current Major GPA.
Eligibility: Eligible students will be undergraduate sociology majors. Faculty mentors will be of students’ choosing, and may be tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track members of the sociology department.
Please check back on this page for a submission link once the cycle has opened.