The Department of Sociology offers an honors program that provides motivated students the opportunity to pursue an intellectual experience above and beyond those available within the general sociology curriculum. The program consists of nine hours of disciplinary credit work, including two sociology honors courses and completing an honors research thesis.
Through the honors program, students have the opportunity to work closely with sociology faculty members to conduct independent research in their areas of interest and will leave the program well-prepared for post-graduate training. Benefits of the program include deeper investigation of topics of interest, enhanced research training, personalized faculty mentorship, and the development of a writing sample, all of which will provide students with a leg up both in graduate school admissions and on the job market.
Students are invited by the Honors Coordinator to apply for the departmental honors program upon completion of Soc 3885 Research Methods I with an overall GPA of at least 3.4. Upon invitation, interested students must submit an application and writing sample for consideration. Applications will be reviewed by the Departmental Honors Director and Department Chair.
For more information about department honors, contact the Honors Coordinator, Dr. Ellen Lamont ( or 828-262-7658) or visit the Honors pages on the Department of Sociology’s website:
For questions about honors, see the AppState’s Honors College